BioNo chemical inputs used in the vineyard and winery; reduced doses of sulphurBiodyRevitalisation of the soil and the natural defences of the vine by using natural inputs and energy; ultra-reduced doses of sulphur
Ultime Repas
Vintage 2021
Domaine : Famille De Boël - France
Region : France, Rhone Valley
Appellation : Vin de France
Grape Variety(ies) : Syrah
Agriculture : Biodynamics, Organic


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Ultime Repas 2021 - Famille de Boël-France : 
Une Ode à la Syrah.
Nelly et Arnaud, amoureux inconditionnels de la Syrah, se sont installés en 2016 dans la Vallée du Rhône pour donner vie à leur passion. Après avoir planté des parcelles en Saint-Joseph et Cornas, puis acquis des vignes dans le Rhône Sud, ils ont eu, en 2020, l'idée audacieuse d'assembler toutes leurs Syrah pour créer l'expression ultime de ce cépage : leur syrah idéale. Ainsi est née Ultime Repas, une cuvée en Vin de France où chaque parcelle apporte sa sensibilité et beaucoup d'intention pour le plaisir des grands gourmands. 2ème millésime de cette cuvée !

The de Boel France family in Lemps (07)

Freshly settled in the Rhône Valley, it was in 2016 that Arnaud De Boel and Nelly France, created their domain, located in the village of Lemps, in the Northern Rhône, between Lyon and Avignon.

They started from scratch, planted their own vines, and also found parcels of old vines. Today, they own 11 hectares of vines scattered throughout the Northern Rhône and cultivated like a garden, producing wines that are made as naturally as possible.

They practice biodynamic farming and are in the process of converting to organic farming; the entire vineyard will be certified in 2021. Great gourmets, each wine has its own anecdote linked to the history of gastronomy.

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